Wonky cake number 2 yeay! A special 60th birthday is the perfect occassion.

Me and my best friend Lorraine have known each other for over 20 years and grew up living on the same street as each other, 6 doors down.   At night, when it was time for one of us to head home we would walk together to the middle of the street then turn and run to our own homes and whistle when we were at our front doors to let each other know we were home safe.  It was amazing having her live so close and this also meant we got to know each other’s families very well and we both had second homes.

When we were chatting about all the fantastic plans Lorraine and her siblings were organising for her Mum’s special day, we got on to the topic of cake and I offered to make one and straight away we got talking ideas.  Lorraine had seen the wonky cake I did for Lou Lou and we agreed a wonky cake with 60 bursting out the top would be perfect.  I loved it as it gave me the perfect excuse to make another wonky cake (mad hatter cake) as my first had turned out pretty good, but there was plenty of room for improvement and practice on this design.

I loved making this cake again and I was happy that I improved on the second time.  I was really happy with the top tier as I managed to shape it well and it looked smooth, but the bottom tier caused me some concern.  I had difficulty shaping it down the sides and I lost some of the smooth circle shape.  I think some research is needed into hints and tips on carving the wonky shape to see if there are any sneaky tricks I am missing!


I hope Brenda had an absolutely fantastic day with all her family and I hope the cake was delicious and worthy of such a special day.  Happy Birthday xxx

4 thoughts on “Wonky cake number 2 yeay! A special 60th birthday is the perfect occassion.

  1. I love it!!!! You are defo pro on wonky cakes now! I may need you at hand in May …. 🙂

    I love this 🙂 Well done Rach – you make it look dead easy x

  2. They are tricky business so i am super glad I made it look easy! It just requires practice and lots more of it! When shaping the sides of the cake I found it rather difficult to keep it lovely and rounded – I am trusting you will do some u-tube research before commencing yours next month and then can report back to me lots of hints and tips to make it better!!

    1. Your cake is coming up next! I got some when I went back to Kirsty’s and we had it on camp. We set the tent up, put the kettle on and had tea and cake yum!!

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